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Funny Ways to Say Youre Crazy

Calling someone "crazy" doesn't always have to be an insult. Sometimes, we want to show someone that they think in interesting or strange ways. To do this, it might help to learn a few good alternatives to saying "crazy." This article will explore the best ones.

How Can I Call Someone Crazy In A Fun Way?

There are plenty of great options we can use to refer to someone as "crazy" in a fun way. This article will look at the following:

  • Bonkers
  • Bananas
  • Wack
  • Nuts
  • Eccentric
  • Wild
  • Bizarre
  • Random
  • Special
  • A couple of sandwiches short of a picnic
fun ways to call someone crazy

The preferred versions are "bonkers" and "bananas." They are both fun ways to refer to someone who you think is a little "crazy." Remember, it doesn't always have to be an insult when you use this word. Instead, you can just show them that you think they're a little odd.


"Bonkers" is a great phrase we can use to refer to someone who has crazy mannerisms. We often use it to refer to people who don't do things like society would expect them to. They make very interesting friends, and you can have great laughs with them.

Remember, the whole point of this article is to show you that being "crazy" doesn't have to be insulting. Instead, we can use fun words that help to explain someone's character traits a little more appropriately.

Being "bonkers" is usually great fun for your friends. If you're happy to try new and interesting things, even if everyone else would judge you for it, you might be a bit "bonkers" yourself. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that, either.

You might see this work in the following ways:

  • You're truly bonkers! I've never met someone as enthusiastic to try something like you!
  • You're bonkers! But that's what I love about you, I suppose.
  • He is absolutely bonkers! Everyone loves being around him, though, because they're always in for a surprise.


"Bananas" works just as well as "bonkers." We can use either word to describe somebody who doesn't think like other people. They'll often do the things that make them stand out from the crowd. It keeps them exciting and fun to be around.

Of course, there's always a limit to the number of things someone who is "bananas" can do before it gets difficult to manage. After all, if you're not "bananas" yourself, you might be a little embarrassed by some of the things they choose to do.

Still, it's a great phrase to use in many cases, and we recommend using it when describing someone as a little bit crazy.

You could use "bananas" in the following examples:

  • She's bananas! Though, I'm pretty sure that's why everyone likes to speak to her.
  • You're bananas if you think I'm going to go to the dance with you!
  • Stop acting bananas! You're always trying to embarrass us, and it always works!


"Wack" is a slang word we can use to refer to crazy people. It often refers to people's actions and choices, and we will call them "wack" when they do something that we did not expect, and we would never do ourselves.

This slang word can be used in the following situations:

  • Yo, he's wack! I can't believe he's happy to do something like that with no shame.
  • You're actually wack! I've never known someone to stick their hand in that!
  • She's wack! I think that's what draws me to her, though.


"Nuts" works when you want to talk about crazy people, too. It's a fun way to show that someone is always keeping you alert or on your toes. You never really know what they're going to do next, which makes things incredibly interesting.

"Nuts" is a great way to refer to someone who is a little crazy, and we can do so in the following ways:

  • You're nuts! But that's what makes you so fun to be around.
  • Stop being so nuts around her! Trust me; she'll like you more if you behave yourself and only let your crazy side out later on!
  • I'm a little nuts! So, if you can't handle me, you best stay out of my way!


Someone who is "eccentric" often deliberately does things that go against norms. They choose to dress in certain ways, collect certain undesirable objects, or speak in funny ways. However, "eccentric" people are still fun to be around, just like the rest of them.

It's just another way to say that someone is "crazy." It's also a more gentle way, as a lot of people would feel like you're complimenting them by calling them "eccentric."

We could write about eccentric people as follows:

  • I'm a little eccentric in the things I do. I hope that doesn't bother you.
  • They're the most eccentric couple I've ever met, but I love how unapologetic they are about everything.
  • She's eccentric, and her family is full of eccentrics too! She does things I never expect.


"Wild" is a simple word we can use to describe someone who thinks on another level. We use it to indicate that they are almost feral or animalistic in nature (like "wild" animals). It shows that they don't want to act like other people do, which can be an interesting trait.

You might use the simpler term "wild" as follows:

  • You're wild! I love seeing what you'll do next because I can never guess it!
  • That's wild, man! I can't believe anyone would be happy to do that!
  • You're so wild! Is there any limit to the things you would do?


Someone who is "bizarre" often thinks and acts in funky ways. We usually like to find people like this because it makes for a refreshing change from the usual group of friends we might surround ourselves with.

Bizarre people will always be keeping you on your toes. They'll always come up with new ideas or plans that you would never think of yourself. While some of them can be embarrassing, they're always a great laugh to try out.

"Bizarre" could work in the following ways:

  • She's bizarre, but I think that's why so many people respect her.
  • I'm quite bizarre. I'm surprised by how many friends I have, though I'm sure they're all waiting for me to do the next most bizarre thing!
  • She acts very bizarrely when she's around him. I think it's adorable.


"Random" isn't a particularly common word in this situation. However, we can still use it to refer to people who do things that no one expects of them. Often, they'll choose to do things that work against societal norms in the hope that it sets them out from the crowd.

You could refer to someone as "random" when you want to call them "crazy" like so:

  • You're so random. I've never met anyone who thought that would be a good idea.
  • The stuff she comes out with makes her one of the most random people I've ever met.
  • Stop being so random! Although, I suppose that's part of your charm!


"Special" works when we want to talk about someone as being a bit more crazy than usual. In some cases, it's a derogatory term, but if you use it in a more joking manner to a friend who you know can take it, then it works just fine.

"Special" can sometimes be insulting, but if we use it right, we can get away with it like so:

  • She's my special little girl! Sure, she does strange things, but that's why we love her.
  • You're a special one, mate. I have never met anyone so happy to try these things as you are.
  • He's so special! Not in a loving way, but he certainly knows how to keep everyone on their toes!

A Couple Of Sandwiches Short Of A Picnic

We don't just have to use words to describe a crazy person either. Sometimes, an idiom like "a couple of sandwiches short of a picnic" works well. There are a few others we can use, but the idea is that we haven't got the full ingredients to work with.

While this might sound strange, let us try to explain it a bit better.

If you are going to a picnic, you'll want to make sure you have enough sandwiches for everybody. However, if you didn't pack any, then it's likely you're not having a picnic at all.

The implication of this idiom is that you do things with the idea or theory to achieve something but always end up doing something that isn't remotely close (or, in some cases, the exact opposite).

This is a great way to show that somebody is a little bit crazy and that they do impulsive things that sometimes make people laugh.

This idiom can work in the following situations:

  • Okay, so she's a couple of sandwiches short of a picnic, but that's fine!
  • You're a couple of sandwiches short of a picnic, bud. Still, I think you're pretty cool.
  • You're absolutely a couple of sandwiches short of a picnic, but I suppose that's something we can figure out!


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